So good to know that I'm not the only one who struggles with what to journal about. But I think I may have found something that might work - for me anyway, your milage may vary. I've been journaling about my WIPs. Two in particular. My mystery "Body In The Bush", which is a little Scarpetta mixed with a dash of Three Pines, with a pinch of Northern Exposure, has been a lot of fun to write. Now that it is in the editing stage, it seems to have stalled while my mind is taken over with a fantasy tale of intrigue and rebellion, and dragons returning from legend. I can't settle on a title. Everything I think is good has already been used a hundred times. Anyway, I journal about my WIP (works-in-progress) my characters, their motivations and backstories and so on. It helps me to understand them better, and why they make the decisions they do.

I might start sharing those journal entries in my Enchanted Life newsletter. What do you think?

I hope you find something that moves you to fill some of your empty ones.

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I have a collection of journals and notebooks that I haven’t used much - it took me years to figure out that the lines/ ruled pages triggered some old perfectionism. I switched to dot grid journals and sketch books, and I made some progress but not much. Now I journal only on Notes on the phone, and use a notebook planner to plan my writing for the week.

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